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Keck Seminar, Rob Raphael, PhD

Rob Raphael, PhDAssociate Professor, Bioengineering, Rice UniversityTitle: How the Structures in the Hair Cells of Mammalian Inner Ears Encode Fast Signals Involved in Hearing and Balance

Keck Seminar, Badri Roysam, PhD

Badri Roysam, PhDProfessor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of HoustonTitle: TBA

 NeuroNex Workshop

Agenda:10:00 – 11:00 Luca Mazzucato, Univ. of Oregon11:10 - 12:10 Tatjana Engel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratoriesa12:20 - 1:20 lunch1:20 - 2:20 Ida Mommenejad, Microsoft Research2:30 - 3:40 Stefano Fusi, Columbia […]

20th Annual GCC Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Conference

Confirmed presenters include: Tatiana Engel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories; Stefano Fusi, Columbia Univ.; Nicholas Priebe, Univ. of Texas; Agenor Limon, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; Kara Marshall, Texas Children's Hospital; Luca Mazzucato, Univ. […]

Keck Seminar, Monica Guidry, MSSW

Monica Guidry, MSSWAssociate Vice President, Employees Assistance Programs (UTEAP), University of Texas Health Science Center at HoustonTitle: Emotional Intelligence and Work Life Harmony

GCC Jr. Faculty Job Fair

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

We invite you to join us for a unique Job Fair sponsored by the GCC Jr. Faculty Consortium that will take place on February 22, 2023, at the BioScience Research […]

Keck Seminar, Maga Rowicka, PhD

Maga Rowicka, PhDAssociate Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical BranchTitle: Double-Strand DNA Breaks: Quantitative Mapping and Computational Modeling of Mechanisms

MD Anderson Pain Research Consortium Seminar

Imaging Pain Processing, Long-Term, in the Brain and Spinal Cord of the Awake, Freely Moving AnimalAllan Basbaum, PhDProfessor and ChairDepartment of AnatomyThe University of California San Francisco

Keck Seminar, Renita Horton, PhD

Renita Horton, PhDAssociate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of HoustonTitle: Engineering Systems for Cardiovascular Diseases

Keck Seminar, Hyun Kyoung Lee, PhD

Hyun Kyoung Lee, PhDAssociate Professor, Pediatrics-Neurology, Baylor College of MedicineTitle: Role for Glia in Brain Function and Injury Response


Elizabeth D. Rockwell Pavilion, MD Anderson Library 4333 University Drive, Houston

Advancing Mental Health and Cancer Research while Promoting EquitableHealth Care Among RefugeesOpening Address: Bettina Beech, DrPH., MPH, Chief Population Officer, University of HoustonKeynote Speaker: Rana Dajani, Ph.D., Professor, Hashemite University/Research […]

Keck Seminar, Joff Silberg, PhD

Joff Silberg, PhDStewart Memorial Professor of Biosciences, Rice UniversityTitle: Engineering Living Sensors That Convert Environmental Information Into Electrical Signals In Real Time

CIDD San Antonio Drug Discovery Symposium

Keynote Speaker: Dr. John LaMattina, Senior Partner at PureTech Health and Former President of Research and Development, Pfizer"Pharna & Profits - Balancing Innovation, Medicine and Drug Prices"

Keck Seminar, Richard Baraniuk, PhD

Richard Baraniuk, PhDProfessor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice UniversityTitle: Going Off The Deep End With Deep Learning

Keck Seminar, Dorit Donoviel, PhD

Dorit Donoviel, PhDDirector, Translational Research Institute for Space Health, Baylor College of MedicineTitle: What Can We Learn From Studying Humans in Space?

Jr. Faculty Extravaganza

We invite you to register for the 5th Annual GCC Junior Faculty Extravaganza that will take place at the Bioscience Research Collaborative, 6500 Main Street, Houston, TX, from 11:45 am - 2 pm on April […]

4th Annual GCC IDDD Conference: Leveraging Big Data for Transformative Healthcare

BioScience Research Collaborative Auditorium 6500 Main St, Houston, Texas, United States

Confirmed keynote speaker: Kári Stefánsson, deCODE Genetics. Other confirmed speakers include: Brett Abrahams, Heppinn Biosciences; Bissan Al-Lazikani, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Kristopher Brannan, Houston Methodist Research Institute; Virginie Buggia-Prevot, Valo […]

The Ken Kennedy Institute Boot Camps

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

Register Here:

Research Mentor Training for Faculty Workshop

This inter-active, in-person, evidence-based  workshop, facilitated by Bob Tillman, will cover topics such as maintaining effective communication, aligning expectations, fostering independence, addressing equity and inclusion, and cultivating self-efficacy. Faculty at […]

Rigor and Reproducibility Workshop

1st place winner of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017 Innovations in Research and Research Education Award, this exciting workshop brings together highly acclaimed experts in rigor and reproducibility […]

2023 ASPET Guppy Tank Translational Science Pitch Competition

St. Louis Union Station Hotel 1820 Market St., St. Louis, Missouri, United States

The “Guppy Tank” competition will showcase translational science pitches from four young scientists who will be coached by mentors with established experience in the biotech, pharma, and entrepreneurship realms. In […]

12th Annual GCC Translational Pain Conference

BioScience Research Collaborative Auditorium 6500 Main St, Houston, Texas, United States

Confirmed keynote speakers: Alex Chesler, NIH, Theodore Price, Univ. of Texas, Dallas, , MIT. Other confirmed speakers: Kyle Baumbauer, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center; Kyle Baumbauer, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center; Michael Burton, Univ. […]

Research Mentor Training for Postdocs and PhD Research Staff Workshop

This 6-hour, in-person workshop covers various aspects of mentoring young scientists in the lab. Topics include: Maintaining Effective Communication, Aligning Expectations, Fostering Independence, Addressing Equity and Inclusion, Cultivating Self-Efficacy. Participants […]

4th Annual Single Cell Omics Symposium, Oct. 18, 2023

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

We invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the 4th Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Symposium that will take place on Oct. 18, 2023, at the BioScience Research […]

IDDD Roundtable: ACT 101 Accelerating Cancer Therapeutics

We invite you to register for the GCC IDDD Roundtable Workshop: ACT 101: Accelerating Cancer Therapeutics.  This workshop will feature presenters Shailabala Singh, Mongoose Bio, Inc., and Robert Kruse, HydroGene Therapeutics, Inc.  The workshop […]

Keck Seminar, Bradley Lambert, PhD

Bradley Lambert, PhDHuman Subjects Research Director, Orthopedic Biomechanics Research Laboratory, Dept. of Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, Houston Methodist HospitalTitle: TBD

Keck Seminar, Caroline Chung, MD

Caroline Chung, MDAssociate Professor, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer CenterTitle: Curiosity, Courage & Collaboration: Perspectives From My Cancer Career Journey

Let’s Talk About Prostate Cancer, September 16, 2023

Texas Southern University

Held at Progressive New Hope Church at no-cost, this seminar will be focused on sharing vital information about prostate cancer, Biometric testing will be provided, as well as immunizations.

Keck Seminar, Pratip K. Bhattacharya, PhD

Pratip K. Bhattacharya, PhDAssociate Professor, Cancer Systems Imaging, MD Anderson Cancer CenterTitle: Interrogating Therapeutic Efficacy in Cancer in Real-Time by Metabolic Imaging

Jr. Faculty Publishing and Peer Review in the Age of Preprints Seminar

Bioscience Research Collaborative 6500 Main Street Room 1003 Houston, TX 77030 6500 Main Street, Houston, Texas, United States

The GCC Jr. Faculty group welcome Stéphane Larochelle from Nature Communications, who will present a talk on Publishing and Peer Review in the Age of Preprints. A Q&A session and reception will follow the […]

Merck Discovery Biologics Virtual Career Day

Register HereScientific Talks: What are biologics? What is biologics drug discovery?10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PDT / 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDTCareer Panel Discussion: What is Merck like? How […]

Keck Seminar, Xue Sherry Gao, PhD

Xue Sherry Gao, PhDAssistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice UniversityTitle: Engineered CRISPR Systems for Disease Treatment and Diagnostics

Center for Neuroregeneration Lecture Series: Mechanisms of Astrocyte-neuron Interactions During Synapse Development with Isabella Farhy-Tselnicker, PhD, Texas A&M University

Houston Methodist Research Institute 6670 Bertner Avenue, Texas

Please join us for the Center for Neuroregeneration Lecture Series: Mechanisms of Astrocyte-neuron Interactions During Synapse Development with Isabella Farhy-Tselnicker, PhD, Texas A&M University.Astrocytes, a major class of non-neuronal brain […]

GCC CMB Monthly Seminar

We invite you to register for our GCC Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Seminar featuring  Dr Albert Lin, Morphic Therapeutics, who will discuss How to Create Closure-Stabilizing Integrin Inhibitors. The event will […]

GCC IDDD and BioHouston BioConnect, Oct. 3, 2023

Levit Green, 3131 Holcombe Houston, TX 3131 Holcombe, Houston

We invite all healthcare technology innovators, entrepreneurs and biotech stakeholders to join us for the launch of our new BioConnect networking series (1st Tuesday of each month).  The goal of BioConnect is to promote collaboration among academic and industry innovators […]

Community Engaged Healthcare Workshop, October 4, 2023

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

We invite you to register for the Community Engaged Healthcare Workshop, a collaboration between GCC and Texas Southern University.  This year's workshop will feature: Veronica Ajewole, Texas Southern Univ.; Jorge Gomez, Texas A&M Univ.; Charlease […]

Keck Seminar, Kevin Garey, PharmD

Kevin Garey, PharmDProfessor, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research, University of HoustonTitle: TBD

AI in Health Confernce

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

This is an exceptional opportunity to connect with and learn from researchers, engineers, clinicians, and entrepreneurs at the forefront of AI in healthcare and public health. Keynote speakers include Justin […]

Center for Neuroregeneration Lecture Series: Cell and Molecular Events Leading to Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disease with Fred H. Gage, PhD, The Salk Institute

Houston Methodist Research Institute 6670 Bertner Avenue, Houston, Texas

Please join us for the Center for Neuroregeneration Lecture Series: Cell and Molecular Events Leading to Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disease with Fred H. Gage, PhD, The Salk Institute.Age is the greatest risk for age-related […]

33rd Annual Keck Research Conference

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

RNA Biology is considered one of the most influential areas in modern biology and biomedicine. Don’t miss this exciting conference and poster session. The conference and poster session will also highlight […]

Keck Seminar, Lynn Zechiedrich, PhD

Lynn Zechiedrich, PhDProfessor, Dept. of Molecular Virology and Microbiology, Baylor College of MedicineTitle: Cracking the Secondary DNA Codes That Control Access to the Primary Genetic Code

Keck Seminar, Peter Lwigale, PhD

Peter Lwigale, PhDAssociate Professor, Dept. of Biosciences, Rice UniversityInnovation and Diversity SpeakerTitle: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Ocular Development

Introduction to Manuscript Writing

Introduction to Biomedical Manuscript WritingJoin us for "Introduction to Manuscript Writing". This in-person workshop is intended for PhD students and Postdocs affiliated with Institutions in biomedical science and will provide […]

Keck Seminar, Danielle Garsin, PhD

Danielle Garsin, PhDProfessor, Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, UTHealth Science Center at HoustonTitle: Deciphering the Antifungal Activity of Enterococcus faecalis Antimicrobial Peptide EntV

Levit Green 2505 Greensboro Dr., Houston, Texas

The next edition of the Bayou City Bio Pulse will be taking place at Levit Green on Wednesday, November 15 from 4 - 6 p.m. This event will give us an overview […]

AlphaFold and Machine Learning in Structural Biology Workshop

BRC Room 280 6500 Main St., Houston, Texas, United States

We invite you to register for the AlphaFold and Machine Learning in Structural Biology Workshop, sponsored by the GCC Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Consortia. This workshop will feature: Matthew Baker, UT Health Science Center HoustonKelly Churion, TAMUTasos […]

Keck Seminar, Clifford Stephan, PhD

Clifford Stephan, PhDResearch Associate Professor, Director, High Throughput Research and Screening Center, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A&M UniversityTitle: The Texas A&M Therapeutics Technology Center

Keck Seminar, Margaret Goodell, PhD

Margaret Goodell, PhDProfessor and Chair, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of MedicineTitle: TBD

BioConnect, Dec. 5, 4-6 pm

Hosted by JLABS@ TMC, we invite all healthcare technology innovators, entrepreneurs, and biotech stakeholders to join us for the December BioConnect networking series. BioConnect aims to promote collaboration among academic and industry innovators and key stakeholders within […]