Program Evaluations

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Program Evaluations

Program Evaluations are an essential part of NIH training programs. The NIGMS has mandated that “funded training programs must conduct ongoing evaluations to monitor the success of the training and mentoring activities”. The GCC offers Program Evaluations of T32 training programs as well as other programs involved in biomedical research. The GCC has the expertise to produce high quality reports and assessments at an affordable rate to communicate results to program facilitators and other stakeholders. For more information or to set up a consultation, please contact Vicki Alger (

Evaluations are required for:
  • Grant renewals
  • RPPRs
  • Other programs which serve students and trainees involved in biomedical research
Evaluation services offered by the GCC include:

1. Survey Development

Survey and Training Grant Review  Review grant training plan (goals, components, outcomes, etc.) and any previous surveys and results (if available).
Survey Construction Customize survey to ensure quantitative and qualitative measures provide meaningful information.
Create survey variations to collect meaningful data from program alumni for comparison purposes.
Survey Administration Administer to current and former trainees.
Send initial and follow-up emails to training program participants. Response rate goal >50%.
Survey Results Report includes:
Data Provide descriptive statistics of quantitative data.
Capture qualitative data to enhance quantitative data and highlight program outcomes.
Basic Report Tailored to various stakeholders: steering committee, general public (for website), institutions, NIH grant requirements.
Various formats can be provided (PowerPoint presentation, pdf report, excel spreadsheet).
Communication Participate in various project related meetings, phone conversations, and email exchanges.

Present results to stakeholders.

2. Structured Interviews

Interview Types Trainee Interviews (current and former up to 5 years)

·Inclusivity of program

·Impact on career choice

·Supportive environment



Training Faculty Interviews 

·Structure and requirements meet goals/purposes

·Differential treatment of junior vs senior faculty

PI/PD Interviews

·Assess impacts on program goals

·Explore changes needed

Interview Administration Interview prep and scheduling
Score survey data
Interview Results Report includes:
Data Provide descriptive statistics for structured interview.
Review interview records for additional themes.

Provide descriptive statements from structured interviews.

Basic Report Tailored to various stakeholders: steering committee, general public (for website), institutions, NIH grant requirements.
Various formats can be provided (PowerPoint presentation, pdf report, excel spreadsheet).
Communication Participate in various project related meetings, phone conversations, and email exchanges
Present results to stakeholders.


Meet our evaluators:

Vicki Alger, MA, has a specialized advanced graduate degree in School Psychology which focuses on evaluation and consultation, and is a former licensed Psychological Associate with the State of Texas. Ms. Alger has been a Training Administrator for the Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC) since June 2023 and has gained valuable hands-on experience with T32 grants. During her time at the GCC, she has created surveys for several workshops and seminars, facilitated the collection of survey data, and produced reports to communicate results to program facilitators, GCC leadership and the Keck Executive Committee.  She has completed the following evaluation courses: Training Program Evaluation Self-Paced Learning by Northwestern University, Introduction to Evaluation 101 through American Evaluation Association, and she has participated in the pilot program for Evaluation Capacity Building for BCM Training Programs Modules. Additionally, she has observed and participated in SCOARE (Scientific Communication Advances Research Excellence) Workshops, completed all modules for Mentoring Graduate Students, Post Docs & Early Career Faculty through NRMN (National Research Mentoring Network) and is a CIMER (Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research)-certified Facilitator for Entering Mentoring. Ms. Alger has also facilitated Mentoring Up for Current (and almost) Postdocs, Research Mentor Training for Faculty and Mentoring Up for PhD Students. Ms. Alger brings her background as a former Assistant Professor of Psychology for over 15 years and her experience in evaluation to identify program effectiveness. Her extensive background in developing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum and programs for a variety of ages and diverse backgrounds provides a wide knowledge base of effective educational and evaluative strategies. Her strong academic background in consultation strategies, evaluation and assessment techniques, and communication styles are coupled with valuable hands-on experience to provide a comprehensive evaluation tailored for your needs.

Karen Ethun

GCC/Keck Center training program experience since 2005:

Extensive experience with T32 program management and grant applications
Submitted 23 grants/renewals, 2013-2022; awarded 15 @ $26,821,344
3 grants in 2023 received great scores – anticipate funding!
Submitting 2 new grants in 2024; 3 in 2025 (1 new, 2 renewal)
Initiated T32 Mentor Training and Evaluation Program at GCC
Initiated and developed mentoring training workshops in 2010
Oversee development of surveys for GCC workshops and seminars
Oversee development of surveys for GCC T32 training programs
Participant/evaluator for pilot program for Evaluation Capacity Building for BCM Training Programs Modules.