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TexSyn V Synthetic Chemistry in Texas

University of HoustonGuest SpeakersProfessor Richmond SarpongUniversity of California, BerkeleyDr. Jennifer Albaneze-WalkerLeader, Separations and Technologies Group, Bristol-Myers SquibbProfessor Greg CunyUniversity of HoustonProfessor Kami HullUniversity of Texas, AustinProfessor Junha JeonUniversity of Texas, […]

Foundations of Cancer Therapeutics: Commercialization

The GCC Innovative Drug Discovery and Development (IDDD) Consortium invites you to register to audit this short “crash” course that will cover various aspects of therapeutics commercialization career opportunities within […]

Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance

Houston Methodist Research Institute, the Gulf Coast Consortia and the ASM –TMC Chapter presents the Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance:“Dissecting The Population Structure of Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacter cloacae Complex” with […]

#Pain2022 Workshop

Welcome: Peter Grace, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer CenterFeaturing Rita Allen Foundation ScholarsModerator: Vivianne Tawfik, MD, PhD, Stanford Univ.1:00pm CGRP Signaling in Neuroimmune Communication and Tumor ImmunosurveillanceNicole Scheff, PhD, Univ. of […]

Keck Seminar, Anthony R. Flores, MD, PhD

Anthony Flores, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Pediatrics Infectious Diseases, UT Health Science Center at HoustonTitle: Tales From The Bench And Bedside: A Career In The Study Of Pathogenic Streptococci

Diversity, Disparities and Community Engagement in Healthcare Research Workshop

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

We invite you to register for the launch of our new Diversity, Disparities, and Community Engagement in Healthcare Research Workshop, a collaboration between GCC and TSU.  The workshop will take […]

Keck Seminar, Nasos Dousis, PhD

Nasos Dousis, PhDDirector of Protein and RNA Engineering, Tessera TherapeuticsTitle: There and Back Again: Curing Disease Via the Central Dogma

Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance

Houston Methodist Research Institute, the Gulf Coast Consortia and the ASM –TMC Chapter presents the Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance:“Standing at the Crossroads between Colonization Resistance and Antibiotic Use” […]

GCC Mental Health Conference

Bioscience Research Collaborative 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

Keck Seminar, Jason Eriksen, PhD

Jason Eriksen, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Studies, UH College of PharmacyTitle: Fit Body, Fit Brain: The Surprising Science of Exercise and Alzheimer’s Disease

Keck Seminar, Felicia Skelton, MD

Felicia Skelton, MD Assistant Professor, H. Ben Taub Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of MedicineTitle: Advocating for People with Disabilities through Health Services Research

MHR Connecting Circuits Workgroup Roundtable

Please join us for the Mental Health Research Consortium Connecting Circuits Workgroup Roundtable on October 6, 2022, from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm at the BioScience Research Collaborative, 6500 Main St., Houston, […]

Keck Seminar, Holly Beale, PhD

Holly Beale, PhDLead Computational Biologist, Genomics Institute, Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative, UC Santa CruzTitle: Genomics of Charismatic Megafauna

Rigor and Reproducibility Workshop

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) Room 1003 6500 Main Street, Room 1003, Houston, Texas, United States

1st place winner of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017 Innovations in Research and Research Education Award, this exciting workshop brings together highly acclaimed experts in rigor and reproducibility […]

Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance

Houston Methodist Research Institute, the Gulf Coast Consortia and the ASM –TMC Chapter presents the Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance:“Predicting Antibiotic Resistance Without Phenotypic Testing: Perils and Possibility” with […]

32nd Annual Keck Research Conference

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

This year’s conference focuses on major advancements in structural biology with a specific emphasis on innovations in cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM). It brings together experts in the field  under one […]

 #Pain2022 Workshop: Drosophila Models of Pain

The October workshop will focus on Drosophila Models of Pain. Featuring: Olga Baron, King’s College London; Michael J. Galko, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Greg Neeley, Univ. of Sydney; and Dan Tracey, Indiana Univ. Bloomington.

We Roar Against Breast Cancer

Texas Southern University

A Breast Cancer event featuring an interactive educational seminar, outreach, panel discussion, and a Walk Against Cancer on TSU's Historic Tiger Walk.Happening during TSU's 95th Homecoming Celebration.Join In-Person on TSU […]

Keck Seminar, Weiyi Peng, MD, PhD

Weiyi Peng, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, Biology and Biochemistry, University of HoustonTitle: Overcome Immune Resistance by Targeting Tumor Intrinsic Pathways

GCC TPR Social & Work In Progress

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

We invite you to register for the GCC TPR Works In Progress and networking event that will take place Nov. 3, from 4:30-6:30 pm at the BioScience Research Collaborative Event […]

Keck Seminar, Jonathan King, PhD

Jonathan King, PhD Professor, Biology, Trinity UniversityTitle: Examination of the Interplay between Membrane Tension and the Tight Junction Protein, ZO-1 Zonula occluden-1

Prostate Cancer Disparity in African American Community

Texas Southern University

Face to Face, Shoulder to Shoulder: Let's Talk About Prostate Cancer.Join us in this important conversation as we collectively address Prostate Cancer Disparity in African American Community.Join In-Person on TSU […]

Keck Seminar, Daniel Promislow, PhD

Daniel Promislow, PhD Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, Department of Biology, University of Washington School of MedicineTitle: A Systems Biology Perspective on Genetic Variation and Aging

Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance

The Gulf Coast Consortia and the ASM –TMC Chapter presents the Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance:“The Devil is in the Details:  Implementation and outcomes of rapid blood culture diagnostics” […]

Keck Seminar, Truc Cecilia T. Tran, PharmD

Truc Cecilia T. Tran, PharmDAssistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Houston Methodist Research InstituteTitle: Daptomycin Resistance: The Tale of Three Mechanisms

IDDD Roundtable Workshop

High Content Screening with Automated Microscopy and Image Informatics12-12:50 Accelerating Drug Discovery with Microscopy & Machine LearningAnne E. Carpenter, PhDBroad Institute of Harvard and MIT12:50-1:10 Image-based Cell Profiling from Multiplexed Fluorescent Dyes: […]

Keck Seminar, Cathy Higgins, PhD

Cathy Higgins, PhDVice President, Scientific Program Management, Stand Up To CancerTitle: Ways to Leverage Skills Towards a Career in Science Management

Single Cell Omics Vendor Workshop

We invite you to register (registration closes Dec. 4) for the Single Cell Omics Vendor Workshop. Sponsored by the GCC Single Cell Omics Consortia, this discussion will take place on Monday, Dec. […]

AlphaFold and Machine Learning in Structural Biology Workshop

Sponsored by the GCC Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Consortia, this workshop will feature: Matt Baker, UT Health Science Center Houston; Tasos Kyrillidis, Rice Univ.; Steven Ludtke, Baylor College of Medicine; Mitch Miller, Rice Univ.; and George […]

Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance

The Gulf Coast Consortia and the ASM –TMC Chapter presents the Monthly Seminar Series on Antibiotic Resistance:“From Athens Through Munich to New Delhi and Onward to Texas: Tracing the Inexorable […]

Behavioral Science Research News Hour

Leveraging Causal Tools in Cognitive Neuroscience for Personalized Psychiatry with Dr. Justin Riddle, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Scientific Director, Carolina Center for Neurostimulation, University of North Carolina, Chapel […]

Keck Seminar, Nora Vasquez-Laslop, PhD

Nora Vasquez-Laslop, PhDResearch Associate Professor, Center for Biomolecular Sciences, University of Illinois ChicagoTitle: Translation Regulation Via Nascent Proteins and Small Ligands

Keck Seminar, Rob Raphael, PhD

Rob Raphael, PhDAssociate Professor, Bioengineering, Rice UniversityTitle: How the Structures in the Hair Cells of Mammalian Inner Ears Encode Fast Signals Involved in Hearing and Balance

Keck Seminar, Badri Roysam, PhD

Badri Roysam, PhDProfessor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of HoustonTitle: TBA

 NeuroNex Workshop

Agenda:10:00 – 11:00 Luca Mazzucato, Univ. of Oregon11:10 - 12:10 Tatjana Engel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratoriesa12:20 - 1:20 lunch1:20 - 2:20 Ida Mommenejad, Microsoft Research2:30 - 3:40 Stefano Fusi, Columbia […]

20th Annual GCC Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Conference

Confirmed presenters include: Tatiana Engel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories; Stefano Fusi, Columbia Univ.; Nicholas Priebe, Univ. of Texas; Agenor Limon, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; Kara Marshall, Texas Children's Hospital; Luca Mazzucato, Univ. […]

Keck Seminar, Monica Guidry, MSSW

Monica Guidry, MSSWAssociate Vice President, Employees Assistance Programs (UTEAP), University of Texas Health Science Center at HoustonTitle: Emotional Intelligence and Work Life Harmony

GCC Jr. Faculty Job Fair

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

We invite you to join us for a unique Job Fair sponsored by the GCC Jr. Faculty Consortium that will take place on February 22, 2023, at the BioScience Research […]

Keck Seminar, Maga Rowicka, PhD

Maga Rowicka, PhDAssociate Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical BranchTitle: Double-Strand DNA Breaks: Quantitative Mapping and Computational Modeling of Mechanisms

MD Anderson Pain Research Consortium Seminar

Imaging Pain Processing, Long-Term, in the Brain and Spinal Cord of the Awake, Freely Moving AnimalAllan Basbaum, PhDProfessor and ChairDepartment of AnatomyThe University of California San Francisco

Keck Seminar, Renita Horton, PhD

Renita Horton, PhDAssociate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of HoustonTitle: Engineering Systems for Cardiovascular Diseases

Keck Seminar, Hyun Kyoung Lee, PhD

Hyun Kyoung Lee, PhDAssociate Professor, Pediatrics-Neurology, Baylor College of MedicineTitle: Role for Glia in Brain Function and Injury Response


Elizabeth D. Rockwell Pavilion, MD Anderson Library 4333 University Drive, Houston

Advancing Mental Health and Cancer Research while Promoting EquitableHealth Care Among RefugeesOpening Address: Bettina Beech, DrPH., MPH, Chief Population Officer, University of HoustonKeynote Speaker: Rana Dajani, Ph.D., Professor, Hashemite University/Research […]

Keck Seminar, Joff Silberg, PhD

Joff Silberg, PhDStewart Memorial Professor of Biosciences, Rice UniversityTitle: Engineering Living Sensors That Convert Environmental Information Into Electrical Signals In Real Time

CIDD San Antonio Drug Discovery Symposium

Keynote Speaker: Dr. John LaMattina, Senior Partner at PureTech Health and Former President of Research and Development, Pfizer"Pharna & Profits - Balancing Innovation, Medicine and Drug Prices"

Keck Seminar, Richard Baraniuk, PhD

Richard Baraniuk, PhDProfessor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice UniversityTitle: Going Off The Deep End With Deep Learning

Keck Seminar, Dorit Donoviel, PhD

Dorit Donoviel, PhDDirector, Translational Research Institute for Space Health, Baylor College of MedicineTitle: What Can We Learn From Studying Humans in Space?

Jr. Faculty Extravaganza

We invite you to register for the 5th Annual GCC Junior Faculty Extravaganza that will take place at the Bioscience Research Collaborative, 6500 Main Street, Houston, TX, from 11:45 am - 2 pm on April […]

4th Annual GCC IDDD Conference: Leveraging Big Data for Transformative Healthcare

BioScience Research Collaborative Auditorium 6500 Main St, Houston, Texas, United States

Confirmed keynote speaker: Kári Stefánsson, deCODE Genetics. Other confirmed speakers include: Brett Abrahams, Heppinn Biosciences; Bissan Al-Lazikani, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Kristopher Brannan, Houston Methodist Research Institute; Virginie Buggia-Prevot, Valo […]

The Ken Kennedy Institute Boot Camps

Bioscience Research Collaborative (BRC) 6500 Main Street, Auditorium, Houston, TX, United States

Register Here:

Research Mentor Training for Faculty Workshop

This inter-active, in-person, evidence-based  workshop, facilitated by Bob Tillman, will cover topics such as maintaining effective communication, aligning expectations, fostering independence, addressing equity and inclusion, and cultivating self-efficacy. Faculty at […]

Rigor and Reproducibility Workshop

1st place winner of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017 Innovations in Research and Research Education Award, this exciting workshop brings together highly acclaimed experts in rigor and reproducibility […]

2023 ASPET Guppy Tank Translational Science Pitch Competition

St. Louis Union Station Hotel 1820 Market St., St. Louis, Missouri, United States

The “Guppy Tank” competition will showcase translational science pitches from four young scientists who will be coached by mentors with established experience in the biotech, pharma, and entrepreneurship realms. In […]

12th Annual GCC Translational Pain Conference

BioScience Research Collaborative Auditorium 6500 Main St, Houston, Texas, United States

Confirmed keynote speakers: Alex Chesler, NIH, Theodore Price, Univ. of Texas, Dallas, , MIT. Other confirmed speakers: Kyle Baumbauer, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center; Kyle Baumbauer, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center; Michael Burton, Univ. […]